Turtle's Climate Adventure
A picture book written by Vihaan Mathur, Odessa Zhang, Odessa Hott, and Sonia Mukherjee and illustrated by Jasper Jimenez

Are you ready to go on an adventure?
Your friend, the turtle, is waiting to take you on a journey to learn about climate change! What is climate change, you ask? Well, it is a lot of things, but mainly, it means our earth is heating up. It is one of the greatest problems facing our planet today, and we need everyone’s help to solve it. That means you, too––yes, you! So, are you ready to help change the world?
Turtle’s Climate Adventure is an interactive, whimsical tale that introduces climate change to elementary school students and invites them into conversations about how to address it. Led by our turtle protagonist, readers are guided through what climate change is, its effects, and what they can do to help create a safer planet for all.

Send our book, free of cost, to Title 1 schools around the country
Host read-alouds and events at libraries, schools, and book stores nationwide
Encourage dialogue between students, teachers, and parents about climate change
Translate the book into various languages and distribute it, free of cost, across the globe